Senior Backend Software Engineer - Frubana
11/2021 - current
- I'm working on the demand forecasting of the company's products, building and maintaining machine learning models on top of an AWS infrastructure. Working mostly with Python and Java.
Software Engineer - Medallia
04/2018 – 11/2020
- Contributing on applications based on a microservices architecture that interact through RESTful APIs and Apache Kafka as a stream processor.
- Technologies: Java, Springboot, Kafka, Postgres, Cassandra, Docker & Kubernetes
Full-Stack Developer & Team Leader - Debmedia
01/2016 – 04/2018
- Lead and coordinate the development department.
- Design and develop the statistics and metrics module of the company’s main product, a queuing system.
Infrastructure and Telecommunications Specialist - Mercedes-Benz Argentina
10/2014 – 12/2015
- In charge of Infrastructure and Telecommunications.
- Data Center Administration.
- Networking.
- Frequent communication with Germany.
Web Developer - Woloxware Devices
08/2014 – 10/2014
- Xcode environment, using Objective-J and Cappuccino to develop the platform of a travel agency.