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Lucas Falcone

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I am an IT Project Manager, specialised on the development of important projects for prestigious worldwidecustomers.

I have experience as Functional Analyst and Informatic Security Analyst.

I consider myself as a keen-eye professional, with highlighted orientation to could obtain the achievement of thetasks and a personalised service to the customers.

I am extremely sure that the confidence is a necessary value to could manage each work in an efficient way andcould get the desired results.

I collaborate to get a good work environment, so my team could feel secure to face challenges with the providedtools and knowledge.

I have been building a proactive profile and I search for the excellence of every duty which I would be in charge of.

I am a passionate in Project Leadership, very commited with the constant improvement and ready to adapt to anyindustry.


IT Project Manager

Gestión de proyectos
Metodologías ágiles
Customer relationships

Experiencias relevantes

IT Project Manager - Infosis

Jun 2020 - Present (1 year 2 months +)

- Summary: Lead the main project of the Company, applying agile Methodologies, guaranteeing to getimprovements.

- Role:

  • Understanding and modeling of Business needs. Analysis and reengineering of business processeswith a focus on digital transformation.
  • Assurance of the fulfillment of the objectives in time, quality, budget and scope.
  • Management of relationships with stakeholders, flexibility in project approach and product launch.
  • Estimation of efforts, allocation of human and material resources, economic control of the project.
  • Preparation of the planning and definition of the scope of the different phases of the project.
  • Realization of functional and technical designs based on taking Business requirements.
  • Impact analysis on the business processes and applications involved.
  • Definition and application of the change management activities associated with the projects.
  • Identification of critical success factors, anticipation of risks and correction of deviations.
  • Coordination with portfolio manager, business and development / systems areas. Reporting of theproject at all levels.

- Clients from Spain, Chile, Peru, Argentina.

- Key Functions:

  • Mediate between client and project team.
  • Plan and Manage Projects.
  • Follow-up tasks.
  • Create Work roadmaps.
  • Identificate gaps.
  • Negotiate with Clients.
  • Measure metrics: Range, Time, Cost, Quality, Risk and Productivity.


  • I entirely organized a development way and simple structure to work.
  • I introduced the Scrum Methodology in the company. Thanks this, we could create a structure ofceremonies to achieve every objective.
  • I trained a team about the best practices to handle some projects.

Coach Scrum - aics | Asociación Internacional de Calidad de Software

Aug 2020 - Apr 2021 (9 months)

I was agile coach where I teached the framework Scrum in seven classes in three differents courses,with 50 people in total.

IT Project Manager - MOBEATS Global

Jul 2019 - Jun 2020 (1 year)

- Role: Lead projects with three main of the Company, applying agile Methodologies, guaranteeing toget improvements.

- Clients: Megatrans, Fogar (´Argentinian Warranty Funds´) and ´Lavadero Berazategui´.

- Key Functions:

  • Mediate between client and project team.
  • Plan and Manage Projects.
  • Follow-up tasks.
  • Create Work roadmaps.
  • Identificate gaps.
  • Negotiate with Clients.
  • Measure metrics: Range, Time, Cost, Quality, Risk and Productivity.

- Highlight

  • I led a development project using Android to create an application that scans clothes to avoid that theuser gets contact with them and contract COVID-19. They considered us as pioneers of this industry.
  • I entirely organized a development way and simple structure to work.
  • I introduced the Scrum Methodology in the company. Thanks this, we could create a structure ofceremonies to achieve every objective.
  • I trained a team about the best practices to handle some projects.

IT Project Manager - SysOne

Mar 2019 - Jul 2019 (5 months)

- Role: I Led main projects of the Company, applying Agile Methodologies and identificating gaps.

  • I travelled to Chile to train some skateholders about the Final product demo. After some suggestionsI planned a new Project introducing some changes on productivity for an important Insurance Company(Sancor Seguros), which included a new website.
  • We won a bidding with Bice Vida customer for the next steps of the Project.

IT Project Manager - IMS Internet Media Services

Feb 2018 - Mar 2019 (1 year 2 months)

- Rol: I Led projects and improvement for main social media in the world. I Coordinated team formedby 5 developers.

I mediated between Account Manager and Account Leads for every prestigious platform (Spotify,Linkedin, Snapchat, Yahoo, Vevo, EA Games, Twitter).

I proposed new features of the system which allowed me to create new metrics.

- Highlight

  • Team Work.
  • Mentor of Scrum Methodologies in Business.
  • Host on the new features presentation for platforms.
  • Designed metrics and integrated them with:

           - Twitter in IMS SWEET and IMS ONE.

           - LinkedIn in IMS SWEET and IMS ONE.

           - Spotify in IMS SWEET and IMS ONE.

           - Yahoo in IMS SWEET.

           - Vevo in IMS SWEET.

           - Snapchat in IMS SWEET and IMS ONE.

Senior Functional Analyst - Banco Patagonia

Nov 2016 - Feb 2018 (1 year 4 months)

- Role: I led Client´s module using Scrum methodologies. I created main meeting to report details. Iapplied an efficient follow-up for the next steps, and prepared User stories in Product backlog.

- Key Functions:

  • Keep record.
  • Plan and manage client module.
  • Create diagrams.

- Highlight:

  • I interacted with different Business Units to write functional documentation.
  • We could create a structure of ceremonies to achieve every objective thanks my expertise.

Cyber Security Analyst - Deloitte

Jan 2016 - Nov 2016 (11 months)

- Rol: Personalized business Security tools in CRUD for users. Provided safer Life circles to avoidvulnerabilities

- Key Functions:

  • Usage of IBM computer tools and Oracle.
  • Management of relational and non-relational databases, SQL, DB2.


Ingeniería en sistemas

Universidad Abierta Interamericana
2013 - 2021